Florence Nightengale was correct; symptoms and dis-ease are not the problem.
…So picking up where we left off from my last post, “Symptoms are not the Problem”; what are we to do if rolling up our sleeves and attacking and/or managing symptoms will never get us to our goal of holistic, transformational healing? How can each of us become more empowered, and connect with the support we need to incisively navigate our own Health Path?
For starters, I believe It’s time each of us learns to embrace our symptoms, and dis-eases for what they are, avoid beliefs and language that dis-empowers us and distracts from our true healing potential. I will share one powerful navigational tool here to assist us called the, “Health Path Inventory”, which comes from The New Biology medical model.
I believe now more than ever, we need an evolved medical model that recognizes the fundamental truths of holistic healing; that at every age, each of us are full of limitless healing potential, and that symptoms, and diseases in every case are always one thing – our body’s best attempt to restore wholeness and well-being.
Further, through our elevation and choice of empowering disease entities, we unconsciously dis-empower ourselves as victims of circumstance, and/or we drew a sucky genetic hand, vs. actively engaging our limitless healing potential, and taking 100% responsibility for our experience, and all of our choices.
The evolved medical model of the future is all ready here today in The New Biology, and in the perennial wisdom of Classical Chinese Medicine. This understanding doesn’t promulgate the old story of victimization and dis-empowerment through disease entities, and/or genetic failings. Instead, it seeks to understand the story of each of our lives, and how each symptom and/or disease emerges out of our unique Life story as an expression for furthering wholeness and well-being. Symptoms and diseases are an expression from the unimaginable intelligence woven into each of our bodies by Nature’s God, from a source of limitless grace, love, wisdom, and compassion.
Currently I am mid-way in a 3.75 month training with Dr. Tom Cowan, MD called, “The New Biology Curriculum”; and I’m loving it. From my earliest beginnings in my training and study of Chinese Medicine, I felt it my mission to integrate Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine with Western Medicine; only one problem, after the 1st seven years of my practice, I gave up, cuz I realized orthodox Western Medicine and Chinese Medicine are polar opposite medical models on the healing spectrum. In the spirit of better late than never, my recent training in The New Biology has rekindled my passion to integrate the Holistic Healing models from both East and West.
The New Biology Health Inventory.
Might the following perspective help each of us live healthier lives, and better navigate the inevitable symptoms and dis-ease that we all have the opportunity to engage, and evolve from?
By understanding the true causes of disease, we can examine our Life story from where our particular symptoms/dis-eases are rooted. The New Biology lists four main sources for all symptoms/disease:
1. Injury
2. Starvation
3. Toxicity
4. Delusion
So when confronted by any and all symptoms, we can use this guide to gain insight and understanding into the root dynamics of our symptoms. I’ll share my understanding of The New Biology perspective on each of these causes, and then later on get in to what we can do about them.
First cause – Injury. Pretty straight forward, and may your last one be your last one. One of the keys here is addressing injuries immediately if not sooner. It’s worth mentioning that even as impersonal as injuries seem to be, I find in my own life, in those closest to me, and in my clinical practice of 22 years that there is often a mysterious wisdom at play underneath where we get injured, how we get injured, and when we get injured. And while I have no objective proof of this idea, injuries, as with all causes of dis-ease, provide us with yet another opportunity to deepen in our love-affair with all of Life.
Second cause – Starvation. It may come as no surprise that the degree to which we are nourished, or under nourished depends on what we eat, that is, on our physical diet, how our food is grown, how it is prepared, and how we eat it. We all pretty much know that a crappy diet is not a great recipe for securing long-term health, but what is equally, if not more important is addressing starvation from our deeper psychic, emotional, and spiritual needs; those of loving connection, safety, security, peace, joy, etc… Chronic lack of any of these can be the central issue underlying any and all disease entities; as it turns out – our issues do end up in our tissues.
Third cause – Toxicity. I will spare you listing of sources of environmental toxins here. Unfortunately, it would consume the rest of this post. A valuable resource for your own edification, and how to better protect yourself from environmental toxins all around us can be found here:
Additionally, as mentioned around starvation above, the psychic/emotional/spiritual toxins are as impactful, if not more impactful over time than the plethora of physical toxins in our environment. The key to moving away from participating in psychic toxicity from others, and ourselves, is stating clear boundaries and understanding our needs; which requires us to have an intimate connection with our own perspective, a willingness to feel our feels, and open to vulnerability in our close relationships.
Fourth cause – Delusion. Imagine never again experiencing a symptom and making it a problem, and/or pathologizing it. I’ll write that again… Imagine never again experiencing a symptom and making it a problem, and/or pathologizing it. Imagine never again believing in a dis-ease name or entity. To be clear, I’m not of the belief that there aren’t symptoms, and/or massive health challenges to be restored. And, to the degree we outsource our own healing potential, inner-standing, and inner-authority to re-write the story of our lives, we are deluding ourselves around the nature of holistic, transformational healing, and unconsciously causing ourselves much more suffering along our Health Path.
The New Biology offers us greater insights and understandings on our fundamental Biology, strikingly similar to the perennial wisdom of Classical Chinese Medicine (CCM), in that the two medical models understand our basic biology as governed by electro-magnetic, informational fields, known as Qi in CCM, and informational coherence in The New Biology (TNB); though I might have coined that last phrase!
There’s a growing understanding in the Holistic Healing space, lead by TNB, that Modern Cellular Biology has gotten many key, foundational aspects of our Biology wrong, and therefore Orthodox Western Medicine is based on an erroneous understanding of our basic Biology.
Here’s a partial list of structures or functions that are said to exist in modern human cellular biology that are either unproven, incorrect, or proven to not exist at all:.
– Lipid Bi-layer of the cell membrane
– Ribosomoes
– Blood Brain Barrier
– Endoplasmic Reticulum
– Golgi Apparatus
– Receptors in cell membranes
– Synapses in nerves
– Neurotransmitters
– Lysosomes
– Nuclear Pores
– An, “Immune System”
– Auto-Immunity
– DNA as the mechanism of heredity
– The genetic central dogma that states, “…all proteins are coded for by a single gene, that one gene makes one protein, and the direction is always from DNA to RNA to protein
– The DNA is identical in all cells of the body
– Cristae in mitochondria
– The government and associated foundations and institutes care about your well-being!
(…you still there!?!?)
Holy smokes!
So that pretty much dismantles much of modern cellular biology, and Western Medicine is squarely based on modern cellular biology; enter the integration of ancient, perennial knowledge such as that found in CCM with the growing field of The New Biology, and none too soon IMO!
For more info on The New Biology:
If any of this sounds interesting to you, Let’s Connect!
Happy Healing!
Bill Wright, L.Ac.