Agreement & Club Laws

notice of agreement

The Heart Floss Club, and its associated website HeartFloss.Club (also known as “the club”) is a private membership club for those of mankind only to share knowledge of healing and re-member how to be free in the world; the club is hosted by i: a man: Bill Wright; life-time membership is free; membership provides exclusive access to a range of knowledge, property and time; all activities through or within the club occur within the private domain only; your order and any and all participation and interaction with i, confirms your acceptance to this agreement of membership and laws of the club;


i, enter into this agreement of my own free will;

i, choose to establish this agreement between i, and the man, Bill Wright;

i, understand this agreement in no uncertain terms, that i, waive, release, and do now terminate all benefits and privileges of the public domain, including but not limited to, the legal societies, the bar association, all governmental offices, agencies, officers, including that of the acupuncture board, public health departments, department of consumer affairs, and all others;

i, understand that any and all controversy arising out of my participation with any and all aspects of the club are to first and foremost, and ultimately to be settled in the private, with the man, bill wright, and those of mankind only;

i, agree to be responsible for my own actions and for the consequences of how i, apply any of the knowledge i, gain here, and any and all circumstances, issues, experiences, I possess as a consequence of any and all interactions with the man; Bill Wright, and the club;

i, attest that my actions on this and any subsequent visit to this website or to any event or place provided within the club (including electronic communications) are by i, in my own right and private capacity as a man/woman, and not as an agent or representative for any governmental or non-governmental agency or organization whose purpose is to enforce a legal code, act, statute, regulation where no man or woman has been harmed, or to carry out any mission of entrapment or investigation;

i, understand that this will be considered to be trespass by way of barratry and that i, will become immediately liable to pay compensation under this agreement, in the amount of $100,000.00 plus $10.00/minute the trespass continues;

i, understand that any claims of trespass by way of wrong, harm, or any and all other forms of trespass under this agreement shall be governed by law and may only be settled in the private, or only be pressed by way of a claim in a court of law by and between those of mankind only;

i, agree not to share, copy, reproduce, or sell any of the property offered here, without first obtaining the explicit written consent of the man and or woman who did create it;

i, agree to act according to law prioritizing the spirit of love and generosity, not to engage in abusive, violent, irresponsible, menacing, destructive or harassing behaviour towards any other man or woman who does participate in the club lest my membership be dismissed, and access to all time and or property offered by or through the club cease;

i, agree to and digitally autograph this agreement, without coercion, in exchange for access to the benefits offered by or through the club, and do acknowledge that i, have read, understand and agree to the laws of the club

laws of the club

The rules of the club are as follows and become law once you agree to the agreement;

The club, website, and knowledge offered herein is provided by i: a man; Bill Wright; on an “as is” basis; i, and others of mankind do offer our time and property through the club; and knowledge offered through this website or any outlet of the club is property of i, and or of those of mankind who do otherwise create it;

All who use the knowledge offered through this website or any other outlet of the club do so as a man or woman only, and do take full responsibility for said use;

We, as mankind, can speak to you as a man or woman only;

All who donate and or compensate for time and or property through this website or any other outlet of the club, do so as a man or woman in the private;

All donations and or compensation are given before time and or property will be shared;

Each man or woman takes full responsibility for any content they post on this website as well as in any group or forum that we do manage outside of this website, and does agree to treat others of mankind with respect taking responsibility for their own offences, feelings and emotions during interactions with others; We reserve the right to terminate membership to the club, or to remove access to a particular group or forum or offering, or to remove or edit any content, at our sole discretion, whether or not a donation or compensation has been made in order to be a part of such a group, forum or offering on or off this website;

Any property that we as mankind did create, we hereby claim as our property;

Any information you provide to this site you do so in the private; we consider the information you provide to this site as your property; We will respect your property and keep it private; We do not store details online; We do not store credit or debit card numbers;

You can request a copy of any information that we hold about you; You can also request that we delete your information;

All who attend any online or offline events offered through the club are responsible for their own circumstances and feelings, and for their application of any guidance they may receive while in attendance, and agree not to attempt to make those who may host or any others of mankind who may be in attendance responsible for said circumstances and or feelings, and or for any consequences of such application;

We record our online events and do often share the recordings for teaching purposes; by participating in any online event, you agree to your voice and or image being used and shared in this way; if you wish for your voice and or image to be removed from recordings that are shared beyond those who do attend such events, you will need to contact us and request this prior to the event taking place;

You allow us to place information on the hard drive of your computer in the form of so-called cookies, which you can remove or decline at any time;

We have the right to change these laws from time to time as we see fit and your continued use of the site will signify your acceptance of any adjustment to these laws; we will write to you when we change them, and you will be able to cancel your membership if you do not agree to the changes;

These laws also apply to any retreats or events offered by us which may take place in any physical location;

To ask questions in regard to these laws email us at:


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Risus lorem vesti bulum mi ?

Consectetur adipiscing elit elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus lorem ipsum consectetur.

Group Coaching

$150 / Month

Consectetur adipiscing elit elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.​ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Private Coaching

$300 / Month

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Consectetur adipiscing elit elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.​

Summer Offer

Adipiscing elit elit tellus, luctus nec ullam corper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo dolor sit amet consec tetur elit.