…begin with the end in mind.

Transactional vs. Transformational Healing

If you battle with your mind, you will battle forever.

Greetings Dear Ones,
Happy Autumn Season…
…though I’m not sure I’d know it were it not for the longer nights!

For many moons, Humanity has been in a trance, believing that all symptoms and diseases are bad. Therefore they must be battled; a war-like consciousness informs our pursuit of controlling symptom expression, and their short-term eradication is considered battle won. Two problems with this rationale spring to mind:
– One, Nature and our bodies are not at war with us.
– Two, Refer to Adyashanti’s quote above; while keeping in mind – our body, mind, emotions, and spirit are one – what we do to one we do to all of them.

My last two blog posts, are a call for us to flip the script; lest we preserve this war individually, and by society at large against Nature and her God. That said, approaching the ideas contained in these blog posts in a conceptual way only, is tantamount to one trying to learn how to surf from watching surfing videos online, and never willing to jump on a board out in the waves. I have hope that the, “Healing Spectrum” information below will act as a catalyst for us to… Begin with the End in mind when it comes to supporting one of our most precious gifts – our health.

A story from my work together with a recent client comes to mind as an example of what I’m endeavoring to share here. I’ll call her Judy Blue Eyes – “Judy” for short. Judy has been troubled by a persistent symptoms relating to her eyes, even though many of her other symptoms have gone away by way of our transformational healing work together vs. the alternative of taking a transactional healing approach meant to suppress or control her symptoms. Judy’s eye symptoms were particularly upsetting for her because they interrupted her ability to work, and from the perspective of her conscious awareness, they made no logical sense.

I shared the following idea with Judy as we discussed her concerns…

People do not have inner enemies… only inner friends
~one of the 30 convictions from The Destination Method, a transpersonal coaching strategy

Judy became curious around the idea that an inner-part of her was not only generating her eye symptoms, but had friendly intentions for her, and even wanted her to consciously receive gifts in support of her overall well-being! After a 15 minute gentle transpersonal coaching guided inner-exploration, Judy realized that her eye symptoms were being generated by an inner-part of hers that was trying to get her to relax more often, in order to increase the odds of her getting more clarity overall about her life, so that she stay true to the ideal vision she held for life, and ultimately attain true happiness!

It was incredible to witness Judy shift from an adversarial relationship, to a loving relationship with this inner-part of hers. From that moment on, she became excited and happy to partner with this inner-part vs. preserving an inner-war! All symptoms, like true and loving friends, are trying to help us get what we really want, align more fully with our deepest selves, and are in support of us illuminating some aspect of our lives.

to the extent we maintain a belief that any inner-part of us is bad, broken, and/or against us, we will maintain an inner-battle
~Dr. Robert Dee McDonald

Compassionate Change Work, and Conscious Evolution are one and the same – we evolve away from an unwanted, outdated present state, towards a desired state. If we want to increase our odds of reaching our desired state, it’s imperative that we consider what is motivating our actions from the outset. Our motivations are born out of the beliefs we hold about ourselves and our lives, and even more deeply, who we take ourselves to be – our Identity.

My professional opinion is often sought around what I believe would be most beneficial for some aspect of my client’s healing journey. My following answer is in no way meant to be sarcastic, or me relishing my predilection to be a smart-ass when I say, “…do all of it, and none of it!“. This answer of mine is informed by my belief that, it’s not the thing pursued that has the greatest impact on us, but rather, it’s the motivation behind our choices that has the greatest impact on us, and on the odds of us getting what we truly want.

Healing is not a spectator sport
~Stephen Alpern, L.Ac


The ideas contained in the table below are for both the layperson, and for the Chinese Medical Practitioner. It is intended to serve as a guide to help us calibrate our motivations when considering any compassionate change work, and/or conscious evolution. The resource below comes from my late mentor of Classical Chinese Medicine, Stephen Alpern, L.Ac.. He initially called it the, “Acupuncture Spectrum”, and then later the, “Healing Spectrum”, as he realized its rationale and philosophy could be applied to any therapy, treatment, procedure, drug, food, herb, and/or process, etc…


Most of us have been conditioned into a problem, reaction, solution way of perceiving the world around us. We look for what is bad and wrong in our world, and we extend this rationale to our body’s signs and symptoms. Consequently we often set out to fix, attack, kill, numb, avoid, distract, and / or cut them out. I believe we do this because we aren’t aware of any other way to relate to our bodies, and we sincerely believe this is the best thing we can be doing to regain our health.

From this rationale, we often resort to an unconscious adversarial relationship with our bodies, misinterpreting our body’s wisdom in the language of symptoms, and therefore miss profoundly important opportunities to deepen in our connection with our body’s wisdom. I believe this underlying war-like mentality is, in large measure, at the root of our society’s current catastrophic health crisis.

The nature of the reality in which we live, is one of feedback, and constant interaction with an all-loving source. Our capacity to align our behaviors with our awareness of conscious choice, and an all-loving source at the root of all existence, has the biggest impact in determining our moment to moment experience. On all levels, everything that happens within us and around us is divine right action taking place; …but only …always.

To be clear, I’m not saying that all of our actions or behaviors are good, on the contrary, much of it is in need of serious correction; including my own!. However, more important is our willingness to come home to our bodies, and carefully consider –
What is it that truly works better for our lives?
…the adversarial vs. loving relationship with our bodies?
…the transactional vs. transformational healing approach?
…while keeping in mind when it comes to the transactional vs. transformational approach,
I believe there’s a time and place for each.

To the best of my ability I use these ideas to motivate my personal healing choices, and to foster a loving relationship with my body and being; and with all of the clients I get to work with. A big personal metric for me has been in my relationship to a diagnosis of Lyme’s Disease I received 30 years ago; which for many of those with this diagnosis, ends up being extremely debilitating.

I no longer believe in the standard Lyme’s Disease story line. I no longer have any of its purported symptoms; which were formerly episodes of debilitating pain that would land me in bed for a week, and/or have me hobble around on two crutches barely able to move about anywhere! Instead, in my world, I continue to become stronger and healthier as I become more chronologically advantaged… um, older that is!

In the face of its intensity, and difficulty, I made a conscious choice not to be deluded by the standard – Lyme’s-Disease-for-life – false claim of it being a, “life long, chronic, progressive, degenerative, and infectious disease“. My experience has taught me that the collection of symptoms labeled as Lyme’s disease, were in fact the wisdom of my body bringing to my conscious awareness all of the unresolved emotional and psychic pain I had been carrying prior, and the accumulations (toxicity) that had resulted from unconsciously holding on to that pain. More painful than the Lyme’s Disease symptoms, was the disconnect with my body, and the essence of my being. All symptoms and disease processes arise to guide us back home; to our most essential connection with the essence of all-being, and the source of all Love.

What is it you want most for yourself, your LIfe, and your healing?
Let’s connect!

Happy Healing!

In my last blog post entitled, “Health Path Inventory”, I discussed how Modern Cellular Biology is being rewritten by way of the burgeoning field of The New Biology. We’ve all heard that we’re made of mostly water. It’s common knowledge that we’re about 80% water, but did you know that by molecular count, we’re 99% water!

And even more amazing, our body’s water is in a unique for of water, known as the fourth phase of water, aka., “structured water, EZ water, gel-water”, or what Marcel Vogel called, “mesophase” water.That means at our core, we are crystalline water gels held together by a lattice network of proteins. My new favorite question is… What’s the proper care and feeding of our water crystalline gel-selves on a daily basis?

The short list of daily proper care and feeding of our water crystalline gel-selves can be broken down into the following categories and their inputs:


– Infrared energy from sunlight, or from an infrared sauna with BOTH near and far infrared: https://sauna.space/
– Earthing – bare feet on the Earth for at least 5 minutes a day.
– Loving interactions with Nature, Friends, Family, Loved Ones, Animals, etc…


Bio-Available Macro-Minerals
…Our minerals should come to us after having been processed by plants. Our best sources are from a whole foods diet, including bone stocks, and an added source comes from Organic, low-sugar, molasses.
Bio-Available Trace-Minerals and Elements
…the two best sources I know of are…
Marine Plasma Drinkable Sea Water
Shilajit 3X Strength
***for 10% off of the two supplements above***


– Coherence Training – https://www.heartmath.com/science
Strophanthus Extract or Capsules
***for 10% off of the supplement above***

With just these simple changes alone, you can support your transformational healing journey in profound ways, which can be a game changer for your overall health and well-being. If you have any questions…
Let’s Connect!

Happy Healing!
Bill Wright, L.Ac.