The Heart Floss Club is my offering of Transpersonal Coaching, Acupuncture, and Classical Chinese Medicine.

Love is the glue of the Universe, and all healing is a consequence of Loving” ~Marcel Vogel

My name is Bill Wright, L.Ac., MTCM

The Heart Floss Club exists as a beneficial point of contact and supportive resource for the healing of all that we commonly love most about ourselves; our body, mind, emotions, and our divine connection. 

With the understanding that true love for others, and our capacity to live the best version of ourselves is dependent on our capacity for self-love!

I’ve learned from 30 years in the Holistic Healing space that healing often begins when we understand the, “why” at the root of our pain and suffering. Our ability to ascribe meaning to our experience is often found by way of a diagnosis from a medical authority.

Once the meaning for our experience is known, we can move forward along the path of our true healing journey; which is often accompanied by feelings of empowerment, clarity, connection, safety and security.

When each of us engages our personal self-healing, together we co-create the better world we know is possible in our hearts.

This is the essence of Compassionate Change-Work, and always starts with what you would regard as a successful result from your work within the context of our work together.

Moving forward…
what do you want most for yourself and your life?

If any of this sounds good to you…
et’s connect.


How To Thrive In The Modern World

Transformational Heart Centered Healing is who we are at our core. Take Back the Healing Power for your Life. Discover natural ways to experience the health that you deserve. You Can level up naturally from within, and receive customized support; imagine limitless potential, energy, joy, and the experience of vitality and well-being.

The goal of this book:

  • Offer you a clear overview of this incredible healing system
  • Give you a sense of empowerment that there are indeed natural solutions to your current health problems
  • Encourage you to be proactive about your health and treat it as a top priority for the rest of your life
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…describes my Transpersonal Coaching offering; which is rooted in, “The Destination Method” (TDM)”. TDM is offered by The Telos Center, and originated in 2001 by Dr. Robert Dee McDonald, and Dr. Luzette McDonald.

The Drs. McDonald write:

“The Destination Method (TDM) is a transpersonal coaching strategy that helps produce physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual results, in the service of a client’s goals…
…A TDM coach is like a taxi-driver, who takes passengers from their current location to their destination.”

TDM has had successful results with issues such as, but not limited to:

Stress, Worry, Fear, Unhappiness, Self-Criticism, Painful Memories, Confusion, Chronic Back Pain, Fatigue, Muscle Pain, Smoking, Warts, Allergies, Tinnitus, Inner Conflict, Inappropriate Eating, Loss of a Loved One, The inability to Forgive, Toxic Relationships, Limiting Beliefs, Co-Dependence, Relationship Issues, Jealousy, Anger, Weight Loss, and much more!

“…The Heart is an ancient metaphor for love, understanding, compassion,  sympathy, empathy, and acceptance. The Heart is not a technology.
The Sword is a metaphor for skillful action, focused, goal-oriented tools, procedures, and technologies we can use to heal ourselves and others, predictably.”

“The Heart, by itself is impotent, and the Sword of healing tools and techniques by itself is meaningless… The Heart and the Sword are profoundly effective when they work together. The long-awaited marriage of the Heart and the Sword gives birth to empowered compassion in the form of TDM.”

In my offering, which includes TDM – transpersonal coaching, my clients are empowered to arrive at the destination of their goals as they learn how to literally change, and renew their minds in a climate of kindness and mercy.

I simply, and lovingly teach my clients skills to notice and change limiting actions, thoughts, and beliefs, thereby removing roadblocks to achievement of all manner of healing and spiritual growth by way of conscious evolution. 

What my clients have to say about me...

To whom it may concern, I'm sharing this as a testimonial that I feel genuinely driven to share because I think other people might benefit from it. My experience working with Bill was simply wonderful because he uses his amazingly empathetic, God-given communication skills to (first and foremost) listen to me and help me explain myself to him by asking questions of me that bring out my own unique vision, aspirations, hopes, and the existence of MY perceived blockages towards my hopes and dreams. He helped me identify and name them, and then start working with those named positive and negative things to determine and drive toward a way that I can have confidence in my approach to living according to my God-given talents and skills and aspirations. This included an immediate, in the very first session, practice to directly restructure my perception of something that I have previously chosen as one of my "limiters" on my talents and aspirations. I SO appreciated that because I am a guy who wants very much to "fix" a problem immediately, not so much talk and talk to "process" the problem. His approach managed to both allow me to talk about it AND have a tool that I can use to start more deeply addressing and "fixing" the ethereal road block living between my own ears. The session with Bill was a genuinely wonderful human interaction of give and take, and I felt very heard and reflected, and very personally addressed toward a plan and a perspective that I know will benefit me in many realms of my life as a parent and husband and an employee and a guy who's got some lofty, potentially absurd visions of how I can be the child of God that I am. Working with Bill was VERY life and Me affirming, and I recommend the experience highly. Thank you for considering this recommendation of Bill's help.
Tom Keating
All I know is that time working together with Bill works! I was skeptical at first, but willing to try anything because my hands were so achy and limited in their mobility. Now I'm extremely pleased with what has happened. My hands don't ache as much and I have much more movement. My wife says I'm a 'quick study' when it comes to the treatments. Thanks Bill!
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Tim Burch
Bill, our work together has helped me immeasurably along the path to wellness. Our discourse is so affirming and non-judgemental that it allows me to freely be my best. I especially appreciate the spiritual healing you generously share. A heartfelt thank you for being who you are!
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Diana Burnwood
When I first decided to work in a holistic way together with Bill, it was my last resort for back pain. My family practice doctor suggested I give it a try. I came not expecting a miraculous cure only relief. What I received was a back that was happy! I can now work in my yard and not suffer. I’m so glad I found Bill Wright.
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Edna Melville

Heart Centered Healing is for you if...

You are ready to get to the ROOT of your physical issues

Support for your Health from the Inside-Out sounds good

You want greater happiness, peace & connection in your Life

You're looking for true, transformational healing in your Life

You want to connect with the Healing Wisdom in your Heart

you welcome support as you re-member your authentic self

What will you gain in our work together?

Your Self

Learn about who you are at YOUR CORE, your AUTHENTIC self; so you can get out of your own way


Learn how to be IN FLOW with FEAR, so you can harness the power of Loving Growth


Learn how to activate True Healing power from within

Your Power

Learn how to Re-Source yourself and develop your Super-Powers of: In-Sight, Inner-Illumination, Internal Mothering, and the central virtue associated with YOUR Authentic Self


Learn to activate your own Self-Directed Free-Will aligned with the Universal Laws of loving-kindness, do no harm, and cause no loss


Learn to become Compassion-in-action, and bring your gifts to those of wo/mankind and our Mother eARTh , Gaia

Numbers Speak

Et ligula sit quam, sapien lorem. Nec risus lorem vestibulum mi facilisis. Tincidunt urna accumsan nec risus lorem vestibulu.

Years of Experience
0 +

Et ligula sit quam, sapien lorem. Nec risus lorem vestibulum mi facilisis.

Happy Clients
0 +

This is how you change it.


Et ligula sit quam, sapien lorem. Nec risus lorem vestibulum mi facilisis.



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